Taking Spider Web Photos

Orange spider blends in with the dry grasses.
Orange spider blends in with the dry grasses. (Photo by Virginia Allain)

Nature buffs and camera enthusiasts find spiders and their intricate webs fascinating. Photographing them is challenging. Here are some tips to improve your digital photos of spider webs.

 Things You’ll Need:
  • digital camera with close-up mode
  • outdoor area to find spiders
Spider webs with dew on them are more visible in photographs than a plain web. This means getting out early with the digital camera before the sun dries everything out.
spider web
Spider web after a light rain shower. (photo by Virginia Allain)


Use the macro setting (close-up) on your digital camera. Often this setting is represented by a flower icon.


canon camera powershot
Canon SX 20 IS Powershot that I use
Keep your hands very steady or use a tripod for macros. Avoid windy days when slight movements of the web will blur your picture.
Be cautious if the spider is on the web.
Look for plain, uncluttered background to show off the web better. Dirt, mulch, or sky work well as a background. The close-up setting on the digital camera helps by putting the background out of focus.
Take multiple shots from different angles. Try getting the whole web, a section of the web, different sides of the web. Then see what turned out the best.
This photo could benefit from cropping. The grass background is not the best.

Tips & Warnings

  • Fog or a sprinkler or a light shower sometimes creates ideal conditions for photographing webs and can mimic morning dew.
  • Black construction paper held behind a web might work when the background is too cluttered.
  • Avoid disturbing the web when taking your photo.

(Previously published on eHow in 2008 by Virginia Allain)


Neglecting My Photography

I couldn't believe how big this ant was
I couldn't believe how big this ant was

I realized that I’d neglected my photography lately.  I guess I can blame it on being focused on leading the family memory writing group for the summer and finishing and promoting my mom’s new book.  Now that her book is launched and she’s made her first few sales, I got the camera out for a walk this morning. 

I’ll still write and work on mom’s second book, but I’ll try to keep the camera with me throughout the day.  Stop over at my mom’s website if you haven’t read the excerpt from her book yet.