Warren to Biden Voter?

I never met Lean Axially but this powerful message grabbed me on Facebook. Since Lean said it was OK to share with quotes and attribution (Thanks, Lean, for speaking up for those who will suffer and telling how it affects you personally.) Too many voters think only of their personal lives and disregard others when chosing a candidate. We must think of the greater good.

Are You a Warren Voter Thinking of Switching to Biden?

Image may contain: 1 person, possible text that says 'Kate Willett @katewillett You can still support a woman in this election. You can support a woman who is drowning in student loan debt. You can support a woman who can't afford childcare. You can support woman whose life depends on access to insulin. You can't do any of this by voting for Joe Biden. 6:15 PM 3/5/20 Twitter Web App'


“It’s annoying that this needs to be said. If you were voting for Warren and are now unapologetically voting for Biden, you really only wanted a white [Christian] woman to be president—you don’t give a shit about the platform Warren ran on, and you still haven’t learned a damn thing all your life + the last four years, which is a fucking feat at this point to still be so willingly obtuse.

To vote for a man who not only is/was a segregationist; who plunged us into debt when in pursuit of higher education; who continued to make healthcare unaffordable and inaccessible to those who need it most; who had a devastating impact on Black and brown communities via legislation he’s passed throughout his political career and who has gone on record to say that he didn’t want his kids going to majority Black schools in fear that they would “grow up in a jungle”—I shit you not); who opposes abortion rights (where the f-ck are your pussy hats now lol); who opposes gay marriage (which is such a low bar at this point for many politicians to check off and your boy still can’t); who voted in favor of devastating wars and trade deals; like, y’all are really something else. I hope you trip and break your hip on the way to the polls.

P.S. there’s no way I’m apologizing for my tone, or fervor because this election is literally life-or-death for me. Having no foreseeable options for getting a citizenship application passed, living in fear of ICE, of having my healthcare pulled on a daily basis living with multiple chronic medical conditions, and barely being able to afford rent or utilities while working a job that puts me in direct risk for communicable illnesses for $12 an hour—I really don’t give a fuck if this offends any sensibilities because being polite to people who would rather stay comfortable in a bubble isn’t going to do me, my family, or my friends who are in similar or worse conditions any favors. To be clear, I’m not recruiting; I’m not a part of Bernie’s campaign; I’m speaking for myself, and I refuse to be shut out by people who have my life, and so many others’, in their hands and are literally balling it up and throwing it out with their vote.

If you want to share this post, just put quotes around it and credit me (Lean Axially).”

vote for the vulnerable empathy

Why Some Voters Drop Out

Here’s my rant after the results came in for Super Tuesday on March 3, 2020. The media and the DNC went all out to reshape the Democratic race after Bernie Sanders won the first three states. That a Democratic Socialist might win with his ideas that didn’t fit the Democratic National Committee’s corporate scenario scared the party insiders greatly. Here was someone that the little people wanted, not someone that would make corporate donors happy. A populist, Oh No!

bernie brings new voters independents, non voters to democrats

The media appeared to have had some coaching to present a unified front boosting Biden and knocking Sanders. Then candidates who had worked so hard and raised so much money, and had a chance to pick up delegates in Super Tuesday abruptly withdrew from the race and endorsed Biden. No one pressured Warren to drop out as it suited the party to have her still in the race siphoning off progressive votes from Sanders.

The timing worked perfectly for this coup to make voters think that Biden was the anointed savior of the Democratic Party. After winning a single state, the media went into full Biden promotion the day before the voters went to the polls in 14 states. 

Biden picked up a lot of delegates the next day when just a week before, his campaign was barely breathing.  


My Thoughts on Why Some Voters Give Up on Voting

The suburban and upper-middle-class voters who are reasonably comfortable are voting for the status quo and to hell with the poor and the struggling working class who need healthcare and a better wage to survive. Unfortunately, many of those struggling citizens will sink back into apathy and the daily drudgery that their lives consist of. Many of these were fighting to get Bernie into office, but now they will go back to wondering if they can afford food for their kids this week and if their car will hold up so they can get to their 2nd part-time job.

Later, when they don’t bother to show up for the general election, the DNC will blame Bernie. They give up on politics when they realize that those in Congress and the White House don’t even realize they’re are on the planet. If those in office do acknowledge them, they blame you for not pulling yourself up by your bootstraps (when they can’t afford boots to start with). The Democratic Party bosses don’t give a hoot about those people as they don’t have the money to hire a lobbyist and won’t be sending big bucks to the DNC. 

After Super Tuesday, my heart sinks just like it did when I realized that the DNC wasn’t going to let the people elect who they really wanted in 2016. They are doing it again. I don’t know why we bother with primary elections when the party elites prefer to meet in a back room and select their candidate without all the bother of consulting the people.

bernie save america