We Are Not a Mob

Not long ago, the President complained about angry mobs of Democrats. What he is actually seeing is crowds of angry women voters making their voices heard. A more realistic description would be Angry Moms. 

twitter angry moms mobs

The letter below explains how dangerous it is for the President to inflame the situation for his own political reasons. When I saw this letter, I was glad to add my name to the list of supporters and help get the message out.

October 27, 2018

To our Elected Representatives:

We are writing to you on behalf of our Indivisible group members because we are alarmed and frightened by the current wave of propaganda manufactured by POTUS, GOP strategists,  politicians, and the right-wing spin machine. Fox News, GOP politicians, and right-wing pundits parrot President’s Trump irresponsible and inflammatory rhetoric. His attacks on anyone supporting the Democratic Party (or seeking to oppose his increasing authoritarianism) are now painting us as an angry mob of radical, violent anarchists.

We need you to come forward with definitive and unflinching rebuttal of these hateful and cynical assertions. We urge you and all responsible elected officials to firmly refute this attempt to further divide our country which creates a dangerous environment for the open expression of political views.

This is who we ARE. Nationwide, we are mothers, sisters, daughters, wives, aunts and grandmothers – and the men who love us and join us in a sincere effort to protect our democracy and our democratic values.  Our efforts are local as well as national, and in the effort to protect the environment, we are worldwide.

In Floridawe are joined by the wait staff who had no income this summer as the red tide kept diners away from our shoreline restaurants.  We are the captains whose boats were never booked for sunset cruises and fishing expeditions all summer.   We are the homeowners who live on the coastline and could not open a window or walk the beach all summer.   We are the parents and teachers who watch our children wear masks to walk to school.

We have formed activist groups from our living rooms, phone-banked, met with our elected representatives, marched peacefully, registered voters, canvassed, and written letters to the editor. Over ten million of us marched in the two Women’s Marches – peacefully. Our engagement in the political process has changed the political landscape. It is this change that the GOP fears and seeks to undermine and destroy.

We are better than this. We are a nation that has always offered the opportunity for everyone to live up to his or her full potential. This is our country at its best and what we must continue to strive for!

Many of us are spending our retirement or our spare time in these activities, not just out of anger (although there is certainly anger) but also from our belief in the possibility of a more just, more free, more equal America.

We have found our voice and will not be silent. We will not tolerate being called “hysterical” or “overly emotional” by people who follow a petulant, rage-tweeting serial liar. We are incensed that our experiences continue to be dismissed, despite the abundant evidence presented again and again and again in stories that stretch from Anita Hill to Christine Blasey Ford and to all of our courageous sisters and brothers in between. We will not stand quietly while our realities or those of other dissenters are discounted.

We know how to direct our anger into constructive action, lawful protest and winning elections.  We’ve been doing it for two years. We will not apologize for it and we will not be deterred. We need to hear voices of support and acknowledgment, not silence.

The GOP and the nativist and authoritarian elements of our society are lying and inciting hatred and violence without challenge. By branding Democrats as angry mobs of anarchists, the GOP is all but declaring war on citizens and constituents who express dissent while their own rallies are filled with hate. They are attempting to divide the country into the righteous “us” and the “dangerous, radical – them.” THE REALITY is that we are the galvanized, persistent and utterly necessary patriots determined to restore our country from the reckless danger of Trumpism.

Your constituents, your country, and the world need to hear this message from you. We need to hear your public statements of support in social media and the press now in these critical weeks before the election.


Jane Hunter, leader, Englewood Indivisible,  Sue Busko, deputy leader

William Bliss, leader, Fun Coast Indivisible Progressives

Vickie Neapolitan-Scott, Indivisible NWFL

Chris Moschini, Indivisible FL-13

Meryl Blackman, Indivisible Florida 13

Cynthia Lippert. Indivisible Florida 13

Kate Pravera, Indivisible FL-13

WIlliam Welsch, Indivisible Action SWFL

Darlene Goodfellow, Indivisible East Hillsborough

Mary Lawrence, IndivisibleStJohns FL

Shane Rogers-Mauro, Indivisible South Florida

Victor Rogers-Mauro, Indivisible South Florida

Katherine Sutherland, M.D., United For Action – Central Florida

IndivisibleMartin- Ellyn Stevenson, Lani Havens, Paula Albright, Hillary Heidelberg, & Robin Cartwright

Dianne K. Perry, Ph.D., Founder, Action Together Suncoast

Jenni Casale, Founding Member, Treasurer, Action Together Suncoast

Laurie Woodward Garcia, Broward for Progress

Diane Cheeks, Founder Member, Summerfield Indivisible

Sandy Goldman, Indivisible Clay County FL

Kaye Abight, Indivisible Marion County, FL

Dee Melvin, Co-Leader, Indivisible in The Villages

Kim Hurwitz, Founder, Lee OFA Indivisible

Viki Coen, Lee OFA Indivisible

Mariann Hunter, co-leader, Indivisible Venice

Barbara Gregory, Founder, Indivisible Collier OFA

Virginia Allain, Founder, Indivisible Solivita – SWANS

angry mobs women vote