Sam’s a Super Star Cat

A few days ago I created a website (lens on Squidoo) for an online friend of mine. It was to feature all her cat related articles on eHow and her blogs about feral cats, cat adoption and feline leukemia. To pull the theme together, I used her cat, Sam, as the central focus of the lens. The title of the lens is Sam – Feline Leukemia Survivor.

My friend sent the link out to all her friends and posted it in the eHow forums. The lens took off, quickly climbing in lensrank from 95,000 up to 5,000 by the third day. The very first day it was out, the lens was awarded a purple star. Purple stars are coveted honors on Squidoo and confer a lens boost too.

I submitted the lens to the Squidoo Summer Sunshine Award which pays $99 to the named Squidoo charity and $99 to the lensmaster with a winner being named every day during the summer. Wow, if Sam’s lens won in this contest, that would be $99 for the Humane Society (official Squidoo charity) and $99 that I could contribute to my friend for the tests and treatments needed by Sam.

Please visit the lens at Sam – Feline Leukemia Survivor so you can see why Sam is such a great poster cat for this cause. Your visit and comment in the guestbook give the lens a boost and help it towards earning money for the Humane Society.
Feline Leukemia Awareness Postage stamp
Feline Leukemia Awareness Postage by Susang6
See all other stamps available at zazzle

I’m a Winner

On Facebook, I’m a fan of Seaglass Jewelry by Tears of the Sea which promotes jewelry by a Maine artist. She uses seaglass to make her masterpieces. You have to see the necklaces and bracelets to appreciate the artistry involved. They are exquisite.

You can see the full range of the beautiful seaglass jewelry on their webpage.  

Once in awhile they have a contest on Facebook. The most recent one involved guessing the number of seaglass pieces in a tall jar. I guessed 790. The contest ended today and they revealed that the jar held 796, so my guess was the closest without going over. I win and the prize is an English seaglass pendant. Click on the Facebook link above to see the truly lovely prize. It amazes me that I’ve won a contest and even more amazing that it was something that I’ll treasure.

I’ve loved beach glass for a long time. Recently I made a Squidoo lens about blue beach glass.

Green Vibrations Greeting Card card
Green Vibrations Greeting Card by LHSeaglass
Shop for a card at