Signs of Fall

Summer was too short this year, especially in New Hampshire where I think we had about three weeks of summery weather. Even while I rue the passing of leisurely summer days, autumn has its own charms. One of those is the colorful displays of chrysanthumums. Mine are just starting to show a little color and I’ll be traveling when they burst into bloom.

Here’s a few photos I’ve taken of mums this year:







mums burgundy

Time for Another Memory Trigger – Autumn

Think back to your childhood and September days. How did you feel about going back to school after the summer? Describe an experiece of meeting a new teacher. Do you remember how you dressed for school and did you take a lunch?

 What activities did you share with your family in the fall (leaf raking? apple picking? hay rides? pumpkin patch?).

Tell about the change of season where you lived and how you felt about that.