Christmas Shopping Online

I’m glad to see people are plunging in to their Christmas shopping already. Black Friday crowds are not for me. I’d rather shop from the comfort of my computer. Apparently others feel that way too, as my gift guides on Squidoo are seeing some sales already.

Best Gifts for the Office
Gifts for a Patient in a Nursing Home

Interestingly, people start out to buy something I’m promoting and end up buying all sorts of things. I guess they figure while they have the credit card out, they might as well get several things.

My Recent Webpages Created or Updated on Squidoo

I rounded up some great ideas for Gifts for Gardeners at Christmas Time. There may be snow on the ground, but a gardener is always thinking and planning their gardening. At Christmas, find the perfect gift for the garden lover in your life from my suggestions.

Star Gazing.... Purple Stars on My Lenses I was thrilled to have a new purple star to add to this webpage Star Gazing…. Purple Stars on My Lenses.  Squidoo certainly knows how to motivate lensmasters. Every time you turn around, there’s another honor to vie for. 

Abraham Bates Tower: Civil War Veteran I added a booklist about the various Indiana Infantry units to Abraham Bates Tower: Civil War Veteran. There are lots of genealogists or Civil War buffs out there, giving this lens some traffic. Years ago, I read Andersonville by MacKinley Kantor and was appalled at the starvation and hardships that the prisoners endured there during the Civil War. My great-great grandfather survived this infamous prison.

Saving World War Two Letters I found some great books that people self-published with their family letters. It inspired me to make this webpage about Saving World War Two Letters. I hope that more people will choose this way to save those fragile, fading old letters. 

Book Character Costumes: Go Literary for a Costume Party or for HalloweenI made this webpage for Halloween, but I’m hoping Book Character Costumes: Go Literary for a Costume Party or for Halloween will have year round appeal. Hopefully people going to costume parties at other times during the year will want to dress as Jane Eyre, Scarlett O’Hara, the Hunchback of Notre Dame, one of the Three Musketeers,  or Long John Silver. 

Gifts for Librarians and Book Lovers Who would know better what kinds of gifts librarians would like than a retired librarian. I drew on my own personal preferences and 30 years of library experiences to select Gifts for Librarians and Book Lovers.