Expanding a Craft Tutorial

If the article has photos, the visitor to your page can see how the craft is made. Still you need to make the text as clear as possible so there is no confusion.

Some sites have a minimum word count. Wordiness is not the goal. Clarity and thoroughness of the instructions is what is wanted. Make every word useful to the reader. See the examples below.

Check each step. How could it be clearer? Pretend the reader is a beginning crafter and add information for them. If the step says “glue X to Z,” you can give more detail. Tell what kind of glue to use. Does it need to be in a well-ventilated area? How long should it dry? Adding this level of detail helps your reader.

When the instructions say “use XYZ,” expand it to tell the reader where they can get the supplies if they are anything unusual. You can offer alternate materials or mention a preferred brand that you think works best. Example: Use brown paper bags to cover the base. If you don’t have those, use brown construction paper or brown wrapping paper.

If the INTRODUCTION merely says “Here’s an easy way to make XYZ,” then you are skimping the reader. This is the place to tell the origin of the craft, how you learned to make it, why they will want to make it and any background information you know. Example: My sister made these for all of us. Everyone loved them. I’ve changed it a little, to make it easier. They make great gifts for a club or office gift exchange.

Insert a step at the beginning to explain the supplies needed. Give tips for selecting the right materials and tools for the project.

Add a step at the end telling how the finished craft project can be used or displayed. Tell how to take care of it (is it washable?).

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